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Popcorn garlands

Jun 07, 2023Jun 07, 2023



Hello, I'm Amanda McNulty of Clemson Extension and Making it Grow.

Kalmia Gardens [in Hartsville, SC] has a lovely Christmas tree each year, decorated with natural items, which of course includes garlands made of popcorn. You'd think you'd just string popcorn and that would be that. But with the internet, there's step-by-step directions.

First, use microwave or air-popped popcorn so it doesn't have any oil on it. If you don't have heavy duty thread or embroidery thread, apparently you can use dental floss — it's better if it's waxed. You'll need a needle with an eye big enough for your thread.

Some of the tips include letting the popcorn sit out for a day or two so it softens some and won't break as easily. Also use about 5 foot long lengths of thread so they don't get unwieldy, then tie them together. And my tip is to spray paint it gold.